2023 ACF Nationals

Round 17: Florida A vs. Ohio State A

Florida A


Tracy Mirkin5240
Graham Cope000
Leah Honsinger115
Leo Law115
7 bonuses for 140 points (20 PPB)

Ohio State A


Clark Smith8080
Chris Ray2020
Roxanne Tang000
Pranav Sivaram2020
12 bonuses for 220 points (18.33 PPB)

Tracy MirkinGraham CopeLeah HonsingerLeo LawBonusesTotalTUClark SmithChris RayRoxanne TangPranav SivaramBonusesTotal
-5 97-5110 156010020
-5 127-10220
-10310 721001050
10 1211001020450
20510 61010070
10 821001050670
50710 105101010110
50810 15410010140
10 10410010809140
801010 9410010170
10 1181001011011170
1101210 8410100200
-5 1241051310 14810100230
10 911010013514230
10 881010016515230
-5 1041601610 13701010260
1601710 103101010300
1601810 460010320
10 1201001019019320
1902010 1241000340
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text