2023 ACF Nationals

Round 16: Brown A vs. Ohio State A

Ohio State A


Clark Smith8080
Chris Ray3125
Roxanne Tang000
Pranav Sivaram000
11 bonuses for 180 points (16.36 PPB)

Brown A


Anson Berns2115
Jason Hong3220
Michael Li115
Walter Zhang3030
9 bonuses for 140 points (15.56 PPB)

Clark SmithChris RayRoxanne TangPranav SivaramBonusesTotalTUAnson BernsJason HongMichael LiWalter ZhangBonusesTotal
0110 1470101030
0210 9510101070
10 1281010030370
10 16201010604-5 10765
10 14710100905-5 11160
10 11001010120660
120710 12400070
10 1230100140870
140910 105101010110
10 990101017010110
10 671001020011110
10 110010022012110
2201310 1310010130
10 149010024014-5 63125
10 144010026015-5 97120
2601610 970010140
-5 1012551710 136000150
10 1031001028518150
2851910 8610010180
2852010 10310010210
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text