
In a novel titled for this body part, schoolboys theorize that the king depicted on pennies is actually just the “shadow king,” while the real king spends all his time alone in a big room. At the end of a novel titled for this body part, Trumper returns to a seaside town that has been bought by the founder of the Penny Bank and Friendly Society, the former schoolteacher Mr. Slime. In a book titled for this body part, the author imagines replying “fuck you, Madame” to a woman (10[1])whose child points at him and yells “Look!” on a train. (10[2])This body part titles an autobiographical (10[1])novel (-5[1])by the Barbadian author (10[1])George Lamming, (10[3])as (10[1])well (-5[1])as (10[1])a book (10[1])that analyzes the subconscious (10[1])anti-Blackness of the author’s compatriot (10[1])Mayotte Capécia’s (10[2])novel I Am a Martinican Woman. For (10[1])10 points, name this body (10[1])part that partly titles a psychoanalytic (10[1])study (-5[1])of racism by (10[1])Frantz Fanon. (10[2])■END■ (10[3]0[1])

ANSWER: skin [accept Black Skin, White Masks; accept In the Castle of My Skin]
<World Literature>
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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y24100%0%13%125.79


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jisoo YooTexas AUC Berkeley A8810
Mitch McCullarIllinois AVirginia A9910
Andrew ZengStanford AMaryland A9910
Wenying WuToronto AChicago C10510
Geoffrey WuColumbia ACornell B106-5
Clark SmithOhio State ABrown A11010
Matt BollingerGeorgia Tech AChicago B11210
Darren PetrosinoRutgers ASouth Carolina A11210
Nathan ZhangCornell AYale A11210
Matthew LehmannWUSTL ADuke A11310
Ani PerumallaPenn State AYale B114-5
Matt JacksonChicago AFlorida A11510
Ethan AshbrookMinnesota ANorthwestern A11710
Andrew HannaVanderbilt AColumbia B12110
Enoch YuenImperial ARutgers B12610
Halle FriedmanNYU AHouston A12810
Quynh PhungPurdue AFlorida B12810
Vaishali SivaJohns Hopkins AMichigan A13510
Vedul PalavajjhalaWUSTL BGeorgia Tech B14010
Conor ThompsonIowa State AMcGill A14610
Vittal BhatNorth Carolina AMIT A147-5
Kevin ParkClaremont APenn A15010
Richard NiuCornell BColumbia A15210
Ricky LiMIT ANorth Carolina A15210
Mazin OmerHarvard AIndiana A15310
Anuttam RamjiUC Berkeley BMinnesota B1530
Benjamin WeinerMinnesota BUC Berkeley B15310
Frederick Rivas-GiorgiYale BPenn State A15310