
In this country, the activist Ruth Kissam has advocated against femicide related to traditional beliefs in black magic called sanguma. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this country where Kessy Sawang and Rufina Peter were elected in 2022, leaving Tonga and Yemen as the only countries with no women in parliament.
ANSWER: Papua New Guinea [or PNG; or Papua Niugini; or Independent State of Papua New Guinea; or Independen Stet bilong Papua Niugini; reject “New Guinea” or “Papua”]
[10m] Women in Papua New Guinea often craft bilum bags, whose name may derive from this practice. Rebozos evolved from objects developed for this practice with a fiber back that could be attached to a saddle in Native American tribes.
ANSWER: child carrying [or equivalents such as carrying a baby or transporting children; accept cradleboards; accept baby carriers] (Bilum translates to “womb.”)
[10e] Raskol gangs target women during initiation in this capital of Papua New Guinea.
ANSWER: Port Moresby [or Pot Mosbi; or Pom City]
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Chicago AFlorida A0101020
Georgia Tech AChicago B001010
Cornell BColumbia A001010
Virginia AIllinois A0101020
McGill AIowa State A001010
Penn AClaremont A0101020
Stanford AMaryland A001010
Penn State AYale B001010
Toronto AChicago C001010
Georgia Tech BWUSTL B001010
Indiana AHarvard A001010
North Carolina AMIT A0101020
Northwestern AMinnesota A0101020
Brown AOhio State A001010
Texas AUC Berkeley A0000
Minnesota BUC Berkeley B001010
Johns Hopkins AMichigan A001010
Florida BPurdue A001010
WUSTL ADuke A001010
Yale ACornell A0101020
Rutgers ASouth Carolina A001010