
In February 2023, David Lametti delayed to 2024 expansions on this practice that would expand on its legalization in the 2015 Carter decision. (10[2])A John Zaritsky documentary about this practice profiles Ludwig Minelli, who has since been prosecuted for profiting from it. The federal nullification of this practice in Northern Australia in 1997 motivated the creation (10[1])of Exit International, which in 2018 flew the botanist David Goddall (10[1])for (10[1])a form of its “tourism.” (10[1])Philip Nitschke (10[1])has been nicknamed the “Elon Musk” of this practice (-5[1])for his development of the exit bag and Sarco Pod. In Canada, (10[1]-5[1])this practice (10[2])is administered by the program (10[1])MAiD (10[4])(“maid”). In 2022, Jean-Luc (10[1])Godard (10[1])(“zhahn-look goh-DARR”) engaged in this practice (10[1])in Switzerland, where it is legal (10[1])to provide equipment (10[1])for it. (10[2])For 10 points, name this practice for the terminally ill that is advocated for by the right to die. ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: assisted suicide [or physician-assisted suicide; or PAS; or physician assisted-death; or PAD; accept euthanasia; accept dying with dignity; accept medical assistance in dying; prompt on suicide or suicide tourism or equivalents like killing oneself; prompt on dying or word forms] (The documentary is The Suicide Tourist.)
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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y24100%0%8%94.58


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Kevin FanMcGill AIowa State A2210
Christopher SimsNorthwestern AMinnesota A2210
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn AClaremont A5510
Raymond JiangGeorgia Tech BWUSTL B6610
Natan HoltzmanStanford AMaryland A6710
Alex LiGeorgia Tech AChicago B7210
Gio MazzeoVirginia AIllinois A7410
Connor BlakeChicago CToronto A83-5
Yared TadesseCornell BColumbia A9510
Matthew SiffYale BPenn State A95-5
Drake EshlemanIndiana AHarvard A9710
Jerry LinDuke AWUSTL A9710
Matt JacksonChicago AFlorida A10210
Keegan MartinNYU AHouston A10310
Clark SmithOhio State ABrown A10310
Rahim DinaImperial ARutgers B10310
Daniel SheinbergYale ACornell A10310
Forrest WeintraubColumbia BVanderbilt A10610
Karan GurazadaTexas AUC Berkeley A10710
Todd MaslykMichigan AJohns Hopkins A11110
Ricky LiMIT ANorth Carolina A11710
Anuttam RamjiUC Berkeley BMinnesota B12010
Joelle SmartRutgers ASouth Carolina A12210
Alex PijanowskiPurdue AFlorida B12210
Sky LiToronto AChicago C14210
Ani PerumallaPenn State AYale B14210