2023 ACF Nationals

Round 16: Georgia Tech B vs. WUSTL B

Georgia Tech B


S. A. Shenoy3220
Raymond Jiang2020
Tegan Kapadia6060
Sanjay Srihari2020
13 bonuses for 170 points (13.08 PPB)



Neal Joshi01-5
June Yin120
Henry Lytle1010
Vedul Palavajjhala4135
6 bonuses for 60 points (10 PPB)

S. A. ShenoyRaymond JiangTegan KapadiaSanjay SrihariBonusesTotalTUNeal JoshiJune YinHenry LytleVedul PalavajjhalaBonusesTotal
10 127010103010
10 144000402-5 22-5
-5 10535310 1551010025
10 1310101065425
65510 108010045
65610 140010065
10 950101095765
10 16101001158-5 9960
-5 116110960
10 98010101401060
10 8801001601160
10 119100101901260
10 138010021013-5 13455
10 1480101024014-5 6950
10 1390002501550
2501610 9000060
10 10000102701760
10 6601002901860
2901910 72001080
2902010 1040010100
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text