2023 ACF Nationals

Round 16: Chicago A vs. Florida A

Chicago A


Matt Jackson110110
Ned Tagtmeier000
Claire Jones1010
Adam Fine3030
15 bonuses for 290 points (19.33 PPB)

Florida A


Tracy Mirkin3220
Graham Cope01-5
Leah Honsinger2020
Leo Law000
5 bonuses for 70 points (14 PPB)

Matt JacksonNed TagtmeierClaire JonesAdam FineBonusesTotalTUTracy MirkinGraham CopeLeah HonsingerLeo LawBonusesTotal
10 1391010104010
40210 95100020
10 11110101080320
10 810100100420
10 147101001305-5 12915
10 11510100160615
10 880010180715
10 4110100210815
210910 1050101045
10 98010102401045
2401110 781001075
10 1450101027012-5 12970
10 9800102901370
2901410 57010090
10 96101003201590
10 1420101035016-5 8885
10 96010103801785
10 10200104001885
10 721010104401985
4402010 881000105
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text