2023 ACF Nationals

Round 14: Florida B vs. UC Berkeley B

UC Berkeley B


Vinu Harihar2115
Steven Yuan2020
Kevin Ye115
Rohan Shelke2020
Anuttam Ramji2020
9 bonuses for 130 points (14.44 PPB)

Florida B


Mateo Acosta2020
Tiffany Zhou000
Qingyu Zhang5240
Jeya Iyadurai000
7 bonuses for 90 points (12.86 PPB)

Vinu HariharSteven YuanKevin YeRohan ShelkeAnuttam RamjiBonusesTotalTUMateo AcostaTiffany ZhouQingyu ZhangJeya IyaduraiBonusesTotal
10 1541002010
10 10100104020
10 87010107030
10 1410100904-5 116-5
0 1529050 152-5
10 11410001106-5
110710 830101025
110810 90010045
110910 114010065
-5 119105100 14565
1051110 112100085
10 78101001351285
1351310 1100100105
10 1321010016515105
10 881001019516105
-5 1291901710 14501010135
0 17319018-5 171130
1901910 1250010150
10 119100021020150
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text