
The difference in two values of this quantity produced by Wouthuysen (“vowt-how-sen”)–Field coupling makes it theoretically possible to detect the 21-centimeter line at redshifts greater than six. Vielva et al. detected non-Gaussianity (“non-GOW-see-AAN-it-ee”) in this quantity’s distribution by calculating the skew and kurtosis of spherical Mexican hat wavelet coefficients. After electron-positron annihilation, the ratio of this (10[1])quantity for neutrinos to this (10[1])quantity for photons equals the cube root of four-elevenths. (10[1])WMAP (“W-map”) discovered a region where this quantity is abnormally low, (-5[4])which (10[1])might (10[1])be (-5[1])explained by a supervoid. (10[1])The horizon (-5[2])problem asks why the (10[1])CMB’s value for this quantity is uniform. (10[3])The wavelength (10[1])of a star’s emissions (10[1])is (10[1])related (10[1])to this (10[1])quantity for a star (10[1])by Wien's (“veen’s”) displacement law. For 10 points, spectral class and what other quantity are plotted against luminosity on HR diagrams? (10[1])■END■ (10[7])

ANSWER: temperature [accept absolute temperature; accept stellar temperature; accept (effective) CMB temperature or CMB temperature anisotropies/fluctuations or CMB temperature distribution; accept HI (“H-one”) excitation temperature or HI (“H-one”) spin temperature; prompt on T; or reject “spin”]
<Other Science>
= Average correct buzz position

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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y24100%0%29%103.50


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Geoffrey ChenCornell AFlorida A5310
Alex LiGeorgia Tech AWUSTL A5810
Albert ZhangColumbia BImperial A6710
Shahar SchwartzUC Berkeley AIndiana A77-5
Jonathan ShaufNorth Carolina ANorthwestern A77-5
Raul PassementTexas AMinnesota A77-5
Simon GorbatyDuke AOhio State A77-5
Rohan ShelkeUC Berkeley BFlorida B7810
Vivek SasseChicago BStanford A7910
Anson BernsBrown AChicago A80-5
June YinWUSTL BPenn State A8410
David BassVirginia AClaremont A86-5
Alan XieYale BIllinois A86-5
Todd MaslykMichigan APurdue A9010
JD KrothIowa State ASouth Carolina A9710
Richard NiuCornell BHarvard A9710
S. A. ShenoyGeorgia Tech BRutgers A9710
Maximillian NieburJohns Hopkins ANYU A9910
Ian ChowToronto AMIT A10310
Robert CondronChicago CColumbia A10410
Daniel MaYale AMaryland A10510
Benjamin WeinerMinnesota BVanderbilt A10710
Kevin FanMcGill APenn A11110
Yash MandaviaIllinois AYale B13110
Tanis NielsenClaremont AVirginia A13210
Adam FineChicago ABrown A13210
John BroussardHouston ARutgers B13210
Alex AkridgeIndiana AUC Berkeley A13210
Andrew SalijNorthwestern ANorth Carolina A13210
Maxwell YeMinnesota ATexas A13210
Pranav SivaramOhio State ADuke A13210