
In one text, a blind character sneaks out to fulfill his dying wish of throwing silver into the crowd at this place and hearing people fight over it. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this historical location where a character insults Flosi by offering him a blood-soaked robe, leading Flosi’s men to set fire to the house of the protagonist and his family.
ANSWER: Thingvellir [accept meetings of the Althing or equivalents; accept Lögberg or Law Rock; prompt on Iceland]
[10e] Disputes are taken up at meetings of the Althing throughout one of these medieval Icelandic tales about the Viking Njál (“n’YAHL”).
ANSWER: sagas [accept Njáls saga or Brennu-Njáls saga or Saga of Burnt Njál]
[10m] An Icelandic grammatical treatise calls these people “the arbiters of all matters of rhetoric or diction” as “lawyers of laws.” These court poets incorporated rhyme and alliteration into their poetry, unlike in Eddic tradition.
ANSWER: skalds [accept skaldic poetry]
<European Literature>

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Stanford AChicago B0101020
Iowa State ASouth Carolina A0101020
Johns Hopkins ANYU A010010
Duke AOhio State A0101020
Penn AMcGill A010010
Penn State AWUSTL B010010
Rutgers AGeorgia Tech B010010
MIT AToronto A010010
UC Berkeley AIndiana A010010
Yale BIllinois A010010
Florida ACornell A0101020
Cornell BHarvard A010010
Imperial AColumbia B010010
North Carolina ANorthwestern A1010020
Minnesota ATexas A010010
Claremont AVirginia A001010
Chicago CColumbia A0101020
Rutgers BHouston A0101020
Michigan APurdue A0101020
Minnesota BVanderbilt A010010
Florida BUC Berkeley B010010
Georgia Tech AWUSTL A10101030
Yale AMaryland A0101020
Chicago ABrown A0101020