2023 ACF Nationals

Round 14: Duke A vs. Ohio State A

Ohio State A


Clark Smith8175
Chris Ray3220
Roxanne Tang000
Pranav Sivaram1010
12 bonuses for 170 points (14.17 PPB)

Duke A


Jacob Egol3125
Ashish Subramanian1010
Jerry Lin1010
Simon Gorbaty115
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)

Clark SmithChris RayRoxanne TangPranav SivaramBonusesTotalTUJacob EgolAshish SubramanianJerry LinSimon GorbatyBonusesTotal
10 1341002010
10 10300104020
10 12100106030
10 14110100904-5 106-5
-5 126855-5
85610 114010015
85710 1120101045
10 970100105845
-5 131100910 1480101075
1001110 8010010105
10 1321010013012-5 77100
10 100010015013100
10 1281010018014100
10 86001020015100
2001610 116000110
10 96001022017110
10 1471001025018110
-5 1292451910 1681000130
10 1171001027520130
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text