2023 ACF Nationals

Round 14: Brown A vs. Chicago A

Brown A


Anson Berns02-10
Jason Hong120
Michael Li1010
Walter Zhang1010
3 bonuses for 40 points (13.33 PPB)

Chicago A


Matt Jackson121115
Ned Tagtmeier000
Claire Jones000
Adam Fine4040
16 bonuses for 300 points (18.75 PPB)

Anson BernsJason HongMichael LiWalter ZhangBonusesTotalTUMatt JacksonNed TagtmeierClaire JonesAdam FineBonusesTotal
0110 107101030
0210 751001060
0310 1050101090
0410 109101010130
0510 10110100160
0610 1060100180
0710 8301010210
0810 8701010240
0910 94101010280
-5 106-51110 13810100310
-5 80-101210 1320100330
-5 102-151310 1510100350
-151410 1250010370
-151510 7701010400
-5 79-201610 13101010430
10 96100101017430
10 1730002018-5 151425
201910 16310010455
10 103100105020455
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text