2023 ACF Nationals

Round 9: Brown A vs. Chicago B

Chicago B


Vivek Sasse3030
John Marvin4040
Amogh Kulkarni4040
Daniel Yang000
11 bonuses for 170 points (15.45 PPB)

Brown A


Anson Berns2115
Jason Hong5240
Michael Li000
Walter Zhang000
7 bonuses for 150 points (21.43 PPB)

Vivek SasseJohn MarvinAmogh KulkarniDaniel YangBonusesTotalTUAnson BernsJason HongMichael LiWalter ZhangBonusesTotal
0110 10310101040
10 1240101030240
30310 1091001070
10 1161010060470
10 70001080570
10 11310010110670
10 870100130770
10 1370010150870
150910 122101010110
10 1411010018010-5 108105
10 721010021011105
2101210 8210010135
2101310 8310100165
10 64010023014165
2301510 1330100185
2301610 13710100215
0 150230170 150215
10 128001025018-5 100210
0 14625019-5 64205
10 1421010028020205
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text