
Terrence Collins’s group has popularized green catalysts for this type of reaction that use tetra-amido macro·cyclic ligands. The Mars–van Krevelen model describes hetero·geneous catalysis of these reactions using platinum-doped gold or ceria nano·particles. Metallo·enzymes that normally catalyze these reactions using a “radical rebound” are a common starting point (10[1])for directed evolution by Frances Arnold’s group. Supercritical water and activated sludges (10[1])catalyze this type of reaction to degrade halo·genated organic solvents. The platinum atom in a two-way catalytic converter catalyzes this type of reaction (10[1]-5[1])on carbon monoxide. The heme iron atom in a cytochrome P450 enzyme catalyzes (-5[1])this general type (10[1]-5[1])of reaction (-5[2]) for instance, (-5[1])to convert alkanes to alcohols. (10[5]-5[3])For 10 points, (10[1])name these reactions (-5[1])in which molecules lose electrons. (10[3])■END■ (10[10]0[2])

ANSWER: oxidations [or word forms like oxidize or oxidizing; accept catalytic oxidations; accept monooxygenation; accept hydroxylation; accept peroxidation; accept dehydrogenation; prompt on redox or reduction-oxidation reactions by asking “what type of reaction produces the desired product?”; prompt on C-H activation or carbon-hydrogen activation until “activated” is read by asking “what is the general class of reaction?”; reject “dehydration,” “reduction,” “hydrogenation,” or “combustion”]
= Average correct buzz position

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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y2496%0%42%108.43


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Adam FineChicago AYale A4710
Geoffrey ChenCornell AGeorgia Tech A5910
Jason HongBrown AChicago B8210
Andrew HannaVanderbilt ARutgers B82-5
Rohan ShelkeUC Berkeley BPurdue A95-5
Eric WolfsbergStanford AFlorida A9810
Geoffrey WuColumbia AToronto A98-5
Vittal BhatNorth Carolina ACornell B100-5
Nikhil ChellamNorthwestern AIndiana A100-5
Benjamin WeinerMinnesota BJohns Hopkins A103-5
Kevin ParkClaremont ASouth Carolina A108-5
Shahar SchwartzUC Berkeley AMIT A10810
Jacob EgolDuke AMaryland A108-5
Mazin OmerHarvard ATexas A10810
Vishal KanigicherlaPenn APenn State A10810
Connor BlakeChicago CMinnesota A108-5
Paul LeeWUSTL AOhio State A10810
Frederick Rivas-GiorgiYale BWUSTL B10810
Carlos DoebeliImperial AMichigan A11110
S. A. ShenoyGeorgia Tech BVirginia A114-5
JD KrothIowa State AIllinois A11910
Alex AkridgeIndiana ANorthwestern A11910
Maxwell YeMinnesota AChicago C11910
Tiffany ZhouFlorida BHouston A12010
Isak JatoiSouth Carolina AClaremont A12010
David BassVirginia AGeorgia Tech B12010
Ameya PhadnisRutgers BVanderbilt A12010
Maximillian NieburJohns Hopkins AMinnesota B12010
Albert ZhangColumbia BNYU A12010
Raymond ChenToronto AColumbia A1200
Dan NiCornell BNorth Carolina A12010
Matt SchiavonePurdue AUC Berkeley B12010
John BroussardHouston AFlorida B1200
Jacob Van OorschotMcGill ARutgers A12010
Caleb KendrickMaryland ADuke A12010