Terrence Collins’s group has popularized green catalysts for this type of reaction that use tetra-amido macro·cyclic ligands. The Mars–van Krevelen model describes hetero·geneous catalysis of these reactions using platinum-doped gold or ceria nano·particles. Metallo·enzymes that normally catalyze these reactions using a “radical rebound” are a common starting point for directed evolution by Frances Arnold’s group. Supercritical water and activated sludges catalyze this type of reaction to degrade halo·genated organic solvents. The platinum atom in a two-way catalytic converter catalyzes this type of reaction on carbon monoxide. The heme iron atom in a cytochrome P450 enzyme catalyzes this general type of reaction – for instance, to convert alkanes to alcohols. For 10 points, name these reactions in which molecules lose electrons. ■END■
ANSWER: oxidations [or word forms like oxidize or oxidizing; accept catalytic oxidations; accept monooxygenation; accept hydroxylation; accept peroxidation; accept dehydrogenation; prompt on redox or reduction-oxidation reactions by asking “what type of reaction produces the desired product?”; prompt on C-H activation or carbon-hydrogen activation until “activated” is read by asking “what is the general class of reaction?”; reject “dehydration,” “reduction,” “hydrogenation,” or “combustion”]
= Average correct buzz position