
A series of poems describes members of this profession as frozen “in the great / refrigerator of Los Angeles” and “lost in the dark city.” For 10 points each:
[10m] What profession titles a novel that ends with the narrator being disappointed by a poet’s notebooks after taking a road trip to the Sonora Desert with the prostitute Lupe?
ANSWER: detectives [accept The Savage Detectives or Los detectives salvajes; accept “The Lost Detectives” or “Los detectives perdidos”; accept “The Frozen Detectives” or “Los detectives helados”; prompt on private investigators or private eyes or P.I.s]
[10e] “The Frozen Detectives” is by this Chilean author, who fictionalized himself and Mario Santiago Papasquiaro as Visceral Realist poets in his novel The Savage Detectives.
ANSWER: Roberto Bolaño [or Roberto Bolaño Ávalos]
[10h] Papasquiaro inspired the infrarealists with a collection named for this animal’s “howl.” “The new Poetry” is conceived under this animal in a poem that begins, “It happened in a divine moment for the human species.”
ANSWER: swans [accept “El Cisne”; accept Swan’s Howl or Aullido de cisne; prompt on birds or avians] (The second poem is by Rubén Darío.)
<World Literature>

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Minnesota AChicago C1010020
Cornell BNorth Carolina A010010
Chicago AYale A10101030
Florida BHouston A0000
Imperial AMichigan A010010
Johns Hopkins AMinnesota B010010
MIT AUC Berkeley A1010020
McGill ARutgers A010010
WUSTL AOhio State A1010020
Penn APenn State A010010
Claremont ASouth Carolina A010010
Columbia AToronto A010010
Virginia AGeorgia Tech B010010
Harvard ATexas A1010020
Iowa State AIllinois A0000
NYU AColumbia B1010020
Northwestern AIndiana A010010
Vanderbilt ARutgers B010010
Stanford AFlorida A010010
Purdue AUC Berkeley B010010
Cornell AGeorgia Tech A1010020
WUSTL BYale B010010
Chicago BBrown A010010
Duke AMaryland A010010