2023 ACF Nationals

Round 9: Illinois A vs. Iowa State A

Illinois A


Justin Wytmar3030
Mitch McCullar5145
Max Brodsky2020
Yash Mandavia01-5
10 bonuses for 160 points (16 PPB)

Iowa State A


Conor Thompson7070
JD Kroth3030
Guy Indorante000
10 bonuses for 130 points (13 PPB)

Justin WytmarMitch McCullarMax BrodskyYash MandaviaBonusesTotalTUConor ThompsonJD KrothGuy IndoranteBonusesTotal
10 10301002010
10 8400104020
40310 1350101030
10 61100060430
10 1071001090530
90610 291001060
90710 108010080
10 850010110880
-5 124105910 15110100110
10 11210101014510110
1451110 8310100140
1451210 1190010160
10 122010016513160
1651410 108000170
1651510 710100190
1651610 1350100210
10 149001018517210
-5 1141801810 1270100230
10 1291001021019230
10 13410101025020230
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text