2023 ACF Nationals

Round 9: Columbia A vs. Toronto A

Columbia A


Noah Sheidlower2020
John John Groger5050
Geoffrey Wu3125
Elijah Scheinson2020
12 bonuses for 140 points (11.67 PPB)

Toronto A


Gareth Thorlakson2210
Sky Li2115
Raymond Chen115
Ian Chow1010
6 bonuses for 90 points (15 PPB)

Noah SheidlowerJohn John GrogerGeoffrey WuElijah ScheinsonBonusesTotalTUGareth ThorlaksonSky LiRaymond ChenIan ChowBonusesTotal
0110 1221010030
10 144001020230
10 99010040330
10 1521000604-5 10125
60510 1121001055
10 118100080655
10 930100100755
100810 125001075
10 152101001309-5 12870
1301010 12310100100
10 10000014011100
-5 98135120 120100
1351310 1230010120
10 1141010016514120
10 133010018515-5 68115
10 122010020516115
0 150205170 150115
2051810 970100135
10 146001022519-5 128130
10 1511010025520130
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text