2023 ACF Nationals

Round 6: Toronto A vs. Yale B

Yale B


Matthew Siff120
Karsten Rynearson2210
Alan Xie120
Frederick Rivas-Giorgi01-5
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Toronto A


Gareth Thorlakson4040
Sky Li4040
Wenying Wu2115
Ian Chow2020
12 bonuses for 140 points (11.67 PPB)

Matthew SiffKarsten RynearsonAlan XieFrederick Rivas-GiorgiBonusesTotalTUGareth ThorlaksonSky LiWenying WuIan ChowBonusesTotal
-5 105-5110 1431010030
10 117010015230
-5 1071030 15230
-5 835410 149001050
5510 163100070
10 980101035670
0 1433570 14370
-5 1253080 13870
-5 4625910 13800080
251010 1260100100
10 12300104511100
451210 13110100130
-5 142401310 1590010150
401410 1060100170
0 16040150 160170
401610 621000190
401710 220100210
401810 1181010240
-5 102351910 1420100260
10 15701005520-5 63255
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text