
While this man was hiding in a cave and being beaten with a rod, an angel appeared and told the attackers “the Lord hath chosen him to be a ruler over you.” After breaking a bow made from fine steel in the wilderness, (10[1])this man constructed a new one out of wood. In the opening of a book named after this man, he is described as being born of “goodly parents.” (10[1])After this man is tied to a ship’s mast, (-5[1])a golden compass (-5[1])called the Liahona stops working. (-5[1])This (-5[1])large-statured man succeeds in retrieving the Brass Tablets from Laban (10[1])after the failure of his wicked older brothers. This man saw a (10[1])vision of an iron rod (10[1])leading to the tree of life after his (-5[1])father (-5[1])led their family out of Jerusalem and prophesied (“PROFF-uh-sighed”) its destruction. For 10 points, name this son of Lehi (“LEE-high”) and author of the first two books of the Book (-5[1])of Mormon, (10[1]0[1]-5[1])whose namesake descendants frequently warred (10[1])with the Lamanites. ■END■ (10[8]0[6])

ANSWER: Nephi (“NEE-fye”) [accept Nephites; accept First Nephi or Second Nephi]
= Average correct buzz position

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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y2171%0%38%136.80


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Matt JacksonChicago AMaryland A4210
Leah HonsingerFlorida AWUSTL A7010
Alex SchmidtPenn State ADuke A79-5
Daniel SheinbergYale ARutgers B82-5
Amogh KulkarniChicago BImperial A87-5
Shahar SchwartzUC Berkeley AVirginia A88-5
Ethan AshbrookMinnesota AVanderbilt A9810
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn ARutgers A11010
Clark SmithOhio State AUC Berkeley B11510
Vedul PalavajjhalaWUSTL BMcGill A123-5
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech BNorthwestern A124-5
Jonathan ShaufNorth Carolina ACornell A152-5
Mateo Javier AcostaFlorida BIllinois A154-5
Joseph ChambersVirginia AUC Berkeley A1540
Hari ParameswaranGeorgia Tech AMichigan A15410
Conor ThompsonIowa State AJohns Hopkins A15910
Enoch YuenImperial AChicago B16310
Sarod NoriCornell BClaremont A1630
Christopher SimsNorthwestern AGeorgia Tech B16310
Dean Ah NowClaremont ACornell B1630
Julian GatchSouth Carolina AIndiana A16310
Halle FriedmanNYU ABrown A16310
Andrew ZengStanford AMinnesota B16310
Anson BernsBrown ANYU A1630
Brad MacLaineTexas AColumbia A16310
Raymond WangCornell ANorth Carolina A16310
Lexi TermanRutgers BYale A1630
Mitch McCullarIllinois AFlorida B1630
Ashish SubramanianDuke APenn State A1630
Gareth ThorlaksonToronto AYale B16310