
This company first reimagined the status quo as the “Belle Époque” (“bell ay-POCK”) and prepared for situations like “The Carter Miracle” as part of a pioneering risk assessment method developed by Pierre Wack called “scenario planning.” (-5[1])Amador Nita and “Papa” Godett led a strike against this company and founded the 30th of May Workers’ Liberation Front. John Major purportedly called the board of this company “wimps” for backing down on a plan to decommission the Brent Spar. While researching at this company, M. King Hubbert developed a “peak theory” (-5[1])about resource (-5[1])depletion. (-5[1])This company is the primary target of the social justice group MOSOP (10[1]-5[1])(“moh-sop”). The Ogoni (10[1])Nine, including (10[3])Ken (10[1])Saro-Wiwa, (10[3])opposed (10[4])Sani Abacha’s (10[2]-5[1])support for this company’s activities in the Niger Delta. For 10 points, identify this European oil company (10[1])whose name recently dropped the words “Royal Dutch.” ■END■ (10[5])

ANSWER: Royal Dutch Shell [or Shell Oil; accept Shell Nigeria or Shell Petroleum Development Company; accept Shell USA or Shell Oil Company; accept Shell UK; accept Royal Dutch Petroleum Company or Koninklijke Nederlandse Petroleum Maatschappij until “Royal Dutch” is read; prompt on Werkspoor by asking “it is a subsidiary of what company?”] (The third line refers to the 1969 Curaçao Uprising. MOSOP is the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People.)
<Other History>
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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y21100%0%29%114.52


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Andrew ZengStanford AMinnesota B33-5
Justin WytmarIllinois AFlorida B86-5
Geoffrey ChenCornell ANorth Carolina A88-5
Alex SchmidtPenn State ADuke A89-5
Charles HangWUSTL AFlorida A101-5
Hari ParameswaranGeorgia Tech AMichigan A10110
Gideon KpurubuVanderbilt AMinnesota A10310
Caleb KendrickMaryland AChicago A10510
Jason HongBrown ANYU A10510
Chris RayOhio State AUC Berkeley B10510
Gareth ThorlaksonToronto AYale B10610
Dean Ah NowClaremont ACornell B10710
Conor ThompsonIowa State AJohns Hopkins A10710
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech BNorthwestern A10710
Eve FleisigUC Berkeley AVirginia A10810
Karan GurazadaTexas AColumbia A10810
Lexi TermanRutgers BYale A10810
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn ARutgers A10810
Justin HawkinsIndiana ASouth Carolina A110-5
Amogh KulkarniChicago BImperial A11010
Vedul PalavajjhalaWUSTL BMcGill A11010
Vittal BhatNorth Carolina ACornell A12710
Benjamin WeinerMinnesota BStanford A13610
Qingyu ZhangFlorida BIllinois A13610
Isak JatoiSouth Carolina AIndiana A13610
Ashish SubramanianDuke APenn State A13610
Tracy MirkinFlorida AWUSTL A13610