2023 ACF Nationals

Round 6: Florida A vs. WUSTL A

Florida A


Tracy Mirkin7260
Graham Cope000
Leah Honsinger1010
Leo Law1010
9 bonuses for 160 points (17.78 PPB)



Matthew Lehmann5240
Charles Hang115
Annabelle Yang115
Paul Lee2020
9 bonuses for 180 points (20 PPB)

Tracy MirkinGraham CopeLeah HonsingerLeo LawBonusesTotalTUMatthew LehmannCharles HangAnnabelle YangPaul LeeBonusesTotal
10 14310100301-5 126-5
10 10501010602-5
603-5 112-10
60410 12510101030
10 70010080530
10 105101010120630
10 1000010140730
140810 9310101070
140910 11901010100
1401010 6210100130
-5 1071351110 1380010150
10 142010015512-5 80145
-5 13215013145
10 136100017014-5 101140
1701510 5301010170
1701610 711010200
1701710 13901010230
10 1061010020018230
10 8010101024019230
2402010 1190010250
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text