2023 ACF Nationals

Round 6: Chicago A vs. Maryland A

Chicago A


Matt Jackson10195
Ned Tagtmeier115
Claire Jones01-5
Adam Fine2020
13 bonuses for 280 points (21.54 PPB)

Maryland A


Caleb Kendrick6155
Connor Mayers000
Stevie Miller1010
Isaac Mammel01-5
7 bonuses for 100 points (14.29 PPB)

Matt JacksonNed TagtmeierClaire JonesAdam FineBonusesTotalTUCaleb KendrickConnor MayersStevie MillerIsaac MammelBonusesTotal
10 104101003010
10 13201010602-5 104-5
-5 5855310 1510101025
10 14810100854-5 10320
10 4210010115520
10 10110010145620
10 990100165720
165810 55001040
10 104101010205940
10 1071010102451040
2451110 1091010070
2451210 8100080
10 62101002751380
2751410 1051010110
10 1120101030515110
10 811010033516110
-5 883301710 13901010140
10 521001036018140
-5 953551910 971000160
10 8310101039520160
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text