2023 ACF Nationals

Round 4: South Carolina A vs. WUSTL A



Matthew Lehmann7450
Charles Hang4135
Annabelle Yang000
Paul Lee1010
Cyrus Zhou000
12 bonuses for 200 points (16.67 PPB)

South Carolina A


Isak Jatoi2020
Khushi Umarwadia1010
Jack Oberman1010
Julian Gatch2020
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

Matthew LehmannCharles HangAnnabelle YangPaul LeeCyrus ZhouBonusesTotalTUIsak JatoiKhushi UmarwadiaJack ObermanJulian GatchBonusesTotal
10 108010103010
10 153010106020
-5 1145530 1510
10 9910007540
10 13001009550
95610 521001030
95710 52010050
-5 9690810 137001070
-5 10985910 159001090
-5 90801010 1410100110
10 621001011011110
10 126001013012110
10 981010016013110
10 7510101020014110
10 10710101024015110
10 134100026016110
2601710 941000130
-5 12425518130
10 1410100275190 141130
10 130010029520130
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text