
Charles Beem “revisited” this event in the chapter “What Power Have I Left?” in The Lioness Roared. A satirical cartoon about this event by John Doyle shows men rowing up to a sign saying “spare us for the sake of our women.” A politician who resigned due to this event later formed a second government, which reintroduced an income tax and banned women from working underground in the Mines and Collieries Act. During this event, a youthful ruler wrote “keep yourself in readiness for you may soon be wanted” in a letter to William Lamb. This event, which was magnified by a scandal about Flora Hastings’s rumored pregnancy, (10[1])was (10[1])initially precipitated (10[1])by (10[1])Lord (10[1])Melbourne’s resignation (10[2]-5[1])as prime minister. In this event, Robert Peel (10[1])resigned (-5[2])when the reigning queen denied his request to replace (10[1])six (10[1])of her Whig (10[2])ladies-in-waiting. (10[1])For 10 points, (10[2])name this 1839 political “crisis” early in Queen Victoria’s reign. (10[5]0[1]) ■END■

ANSWER: Bedchamber crisis [or Bedchamber plot; prompt on the resignation of Lord Melbourne as prime minister or equivalents until “Lord Melbourne’s resignation” is read; prompt on the resignation of William Lamb or equivalents until “Lamb” is read]
<European History>
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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y2195%0%14%130.35


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jonathan TranCornell AVirginia A10710
Tracy MirkinFlorida AToronto A10810
Caleb KendrickMaryland AHarvard A11010
Aiden DartleyRutgers AVanderbilt A11110
Claire JonesChicago APenn A11210
Matthew LehmannWUSTL ASouth Carolina A114-5
Jason HongBrown ANorthwestern A11410
Daniel MaYale AOhio State A11410
Alex PijanowskiPurdue AYale B12210
Shardul RaoMinnesota AHouston A123-5
Forrest WeintraubColumbia BIndiana A123-5
John John GrogerColumbia AUC Berkeley B13210
Vedul PalavajjhalaWUSTL BTexas A13310
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech BMinnesota B13610
Ricky LiMIT AGeorgia Tech A13610
Ryan SunUC Berkeley AImperial A13710
Amogh KulkarniChicago BJohns Hopkins A14010
JD KrothIowa State ANorth Carolina A14010
Justin HawkinsIndiana AColumbia B15110
Todd MaslykMichigan AIllinois A15110
Yared TadesseCornell BNYU A15110
Jerry LinDuke AChicago C15110
Sean DoyleHouston AMinnesota A15110
Isak JatoiSouth Carolina AWUSTL A1510