
Robert J. Lang’s art has used types of this material like kōzo and the Nepalese lokta. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this material used to create designs in quilling. The Pureland style of an art form that uses this material only allows actions named for mountains and valleys.
ANSWER: paper [accept tissue paper] (Pureland is a style of origami.)
[10e] Paper is cut to look like these things in a Chinese folk art often displayed in windows. Ranunculus and amaryllis are types of these things arranged in the Japanese art of ikebana.
ANSWER: flowers [accept window flowers or chuāng huā; prompt on plants]
[10h] This Japanese origami master repopularized the form in the mid-20th century with his technique of wet-folding and his book New Origami Art. With Samuel Randlett, he co-names the standard diagram system for origami folds.
ANSWER: Akira Yoshizawa [or Yoshizawa Akira; accept Yoshizawa–Randlett system]
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UC Berkeley BColumbia A1010020
Cornell BNYU A1010020
Chicago CDuke A010010
Illinois AMichigan A010010
Chicago APenn A010010
Rutgers AVanderbilt A1010020
WUSTL BTexas A010010
Chicago BJohns Hopkins A010010
Florida AToronto A010010
WUSTL ASouth Carolina A010010
Ohio State AYale A0101020
Georgia Tech AMIT A1010020
North Carolina AIowa State A010010
Brown ANorthwestern A0101020
Cornell AVirginia A010010
Harvard AMaryland A1010020