2023 ACF Nationals

Round 4: Chicago C vs. Duke A

Duke A


Jacob Egol4040
Ashish Subramanian4040
Jerry Lin3030
Simon Gorbaty000
11 bonuses for 150 points (13.64 PPB)

Chicago C


Robert Condron3030
Henry Cafaro2020
Dennis Reppen1010
Connor Blake2020
8 bonuses for 110 points (13.75 PPB)

Jacob EgolAshish SubramanianJerry LinSimon GorbatyBonusesTotalTURobert CondronHenry CafaroDennis ReppenConnor BlakeBonusesTotal
0110 890101030
0210 1250101060
10 151100020360
10 125010040460
40510 1451001090
10 95010060690
60710 860010110
60810 1120010130
10 1310100809130
801010 1411000150
10 130001010011150
10 137100012012150
10 10610101016013150
10 1351010019014150
10 104100021015150
2101610 1451000170
10 1161010024017170
0 145240180 145170
2401910 1290100190
10 153010026020190
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text