2023 ACF Nationals

Round 4: Columbia A vs. UC Berkeley B

Columbia A


Noah Sheidlower3125
John John Groger4040
Geoffrey Wu01-5
Elijah Scheinson1010
8 bonuses for 160 points (20 PPB)

UC Berkeley B


Vinu Harihar5145
Steven Yuan1010
Rohan Shelke1010
Anuttam Ramji3125
10 bonuses for 120 points (12 PPB)

Noah SheidlowerJohn John GrogerGeoffrey WuElijah ScheinsonBonusesTotalTUVinu HariharSteven YuanRohan ShelkeAnuttam RamjiBonusesTotal
0110 108010020
0210 1350101050
10 1321001030350
30410 71010070
10 150001050570
10 142101010906-5 11065
90710 88001085
10 12101010120885
-5 100115910 15101010115
11510-5 132110
10 1231001014511110
10 116001016512110
1651310 1071000130
10 11610101020514130
2051510 1140100150
-5 1092001610 145000160
2001710 1321000180
10 711010023019180
2302010 14610100210
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text