2023 ACF Nationals

Round 3: NYU A vs. Stanford A

Stanford A


Natan Holtzman7165
Eric Wolfsberg115
Tim Morrison4040
Andrew Zeng2020
14 bonuses for 260 points (18.57 PPB)



Nat Ku000
Keegan Martin000
Justin Chen2115
Halle Friedman3125
5 bonuses for 50 points (10 PPB)

Natan HoltzmanEric WolfsbergTim MorrisonAndrew ZengBonusesTotalTUNat KuKeegan MartinJustin ChenHalle FriedmanBonusesTotal
0110 5500010
10 14610100302-5 285
10 980004035
10 851010108045
10 1120101011055
10 991001014065
-5 57135710 126010025
13580 13425
10 7010100165925
-5 721601010 139001045
10 114101001901145
10 1111010102301245
10 1520101026013-5 7740
10 9700102801440
10 45010103101540
10 151100103401640
3401710 1330101070
10 117101003701870
3701910 79010090
10 7300103902090
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text