2023 ACF Nationals

Round 3: Cornell B vs. Northwestern A

Cornell B


Sarod Nori2020
Dan Ni2115
Rosa Xia2020
Richard Niu4230
10 bonuses for 140 points (14 PPB)

Northwestern A


Nikhil Chellam115
Sharath Narayan3220
Andrew Salij4040
Chris Sims02-10
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Sarod NoriDan NiRosa XiaRichard NiuBonusesTotalTUNikhil ChellamSharath NarayanAndrew SalijChris SimsBonusesTotal
0 16801-5 55-5
10 680010202-5
20310 1241010025
10 14110100504-5 8620
50510 87100040
50610 61010060
10 1260100707-5 9755
-5 1146580 13455
65910 811010085
10 13901008510-5 6580
851110 13501010110
-5 122801210 14610100140
10 1531010011013-5 142135
10 75001013014135
1301510 870010155
10 1050101016016155
10 1700010180170 170155
10 1200101021018155
10 54010023019155
-5 642252010 1350100175
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text