2023 ACF Nationals

Round 2: Ohio State A vs. Rutgers B

Ohio State A


Clark Smith6250
Chris Ray4040
Roxanne Tang1010
Pranav Sivaram01-5
11 bonuses for 200 points (18.18 PPB)

Rutgers B


Lexi Terman2020
Collin Ace2020
Alan Wu115
Ameya Phadnis1010
6 bonuses for 60 points (10 PPB)

Clark SmithChris RayRoxanne TangPranav SivaramBonusesTotalTULexi TermanCollin AceAlan WuAmeya PhadnisBonusesTotal
-5 108-510
-5210 103100020
-5 83-10320
10 98010010420
10 92001030520
10 1260101060620
-5 8155720
55810 102010040
10 139001075940
10 1220010951040
951110 40010060
10 13410101013512-5 9455
1351310 8900065
1351410 1370101095
10 65101001651595
10 123100101951695
1951710 1541000115
10 7010101023518115
10 1031001026519115
10 1151001029520115
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text