
While translating a treatise by José Norberto Allende, the narrator of this short story becomes overwhelmed by the slow stirring of a woman’s hands. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this short story in which the narrator does not realize until later that he had inadvertently rescued a young boy who was being propositioned by an older woman by the Seine, angering a previously unnoticed man in a grey hat.
ANSWER: Blow-Up” [or “Las babas del diablo” or “Devil’s Spit” or similar translations]
[10e] “Blow-Up” is by this Argentine author, who included 99 “expendable” chapters in the novel Hopscotch.
ANSWER: Julio Cortázar (“cor-TAH-sar”) [or Julio Florencio Cortázar]
[10h] The narrator of a Cortázar story is disturbed by the photos he takes of local peasants during his visit to this author. This poet-priest, who founded an artists’ colony in the Solentiname Islands, wrote Zero Hour and Cosmic Canticle.
ANSWER: Ernesto Cardenal [or Ernesto Cardenal Martínez; prompt on Martínez]
<World Literature>

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Brown AClaremont A1010020
McGill AColumbia A010010
Minnesota BCornell B010010
Duke AGeorgia Tech A010010
Harvard AVanderbilt A010010
North Carolina AJohns Hopkins A1010020
Michigan AChicago C010010
Rutgers BOhio State A010010
Penn AMinnesota A010010
Penn State AIllinois A010010
Chicago ARutgers A010010
Stanford AGeorgia Tech B010010
WUSTL AIndiana A010010
Yale AWUSTL B010010
Yale BColumbia B010010
MIT AFlorida B1010020
Maryland AHouston A010010
Cornell AUC Berkeley A0101020
Purdue AFlorida A010010
Imperial AIowa State A010010
South Carolina AToronto A010010