
Sergeant Match searches for the missing penis from a statue of a politician with this last name in Joe Orton’s play What the Butler Saw. For 10 points each:
[10m] Identify this surname of the author who wrote a play in which Marlene meets historical and literary figures like Isabella Bird and Patient Griselda.
ANSWER: Churchill [accept Winston Churchill or Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; accept Caryl Churchill or Caryl Lesley Churchill]
[10h] A 1974 dystopian play by this author is set in an internment camp named for Winston Churchill. Mary Whitehouse tried to prosecute the director of this playwright’s The Romans in Britain for “gross indecency.”
ANSWER: Howard Brenton [or Howard John Brenton]
[10e] Churchill personally stopped George VI from knighting this author of Blithe Spirit and Hay Fever, since he disapproved of this playwright’s flamboyant lifestyle.
ANSWER: Noël Coward [or Noël Peirce Coward]
<British Literature>

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Duke AGeorgia Tech A1001020
Harvard AVanderbilt A1001020
North Carolina AJohns Hopkins A1001020
Ohio State ARutgers B1001020
Penn AMinnesota A0000
Illinois APenn State A1001020
Chicago ARutgers A1001020
WUSTL AIndiana A1001020
WUSTL BYale A1001020
Cornell AUC Berkeley A1001020
Purdue AFlorida A001010