2023 ACF Nationals

Round 2: Johns Hopkins A vs. North Carolina A

Johns Hopkins A


Jonathan Lau1010
Seth Ebner3030
Max Niebur01-5
Vishal Sivamani000
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

North Carolina A


Vincent Du4135
Vittal Bhat4040
Jonathan Shauf3030
Jim Fan2115
13 bonuses for 200 points (15.38 PPB)

Jonathan LauSeth EbnerMax NieburVishal SivamaniBonusesTotalTUVincent DuVittal BhatJonathan ShaufJim FanBonusesTotal
-5 112-5110 1321010030
10 991010025230
253-5 7825
10 16600035425
35510 460101055
0 1403560 14055
0 1343570 13455
35810 1131010085
35910 14501010115
351010 132000125
10 15201005511-5 111120
551210 10710010150
551310 10110100180
551410 940100200
551510 931000220
551610 1410010240
10 13610007517240
751810 12910010270
751910 1630010290
752010 15310010320
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text