2023 ACF Nationals

Round 2: Florida A vs. Purdue A

Florida A


Tracy Mirkin6060
Graham Cope000
Leah Honsinger1010
Leo Law2020
9 bonuses for 140 points (15.56 PPB)

Purdue A


Ben Dahl1010
Quynh Phung1010
Alex Pijanowski5050
Matt Schiavone1010
8 bonuses for 90 points (11.25 PPB)

Tracy MirkinGraham CopeLeah HonsingerLeo LawBonusesTotalTUBen DahlQuynh PhungAlex PijanowskiMatt SchiavoneBonusesTotal
0 133010 1330
10 111101003020
10 8300105030
50410 16700010
10 95001070610
70710 90010030
70810 111001050
10 15301010100950
10 10601001201050
1201110 78001070
1201210 30010090
0 154120130 15490
1201410 113101010130
10 1301001015015130
1501610 1280010150
10 14410101019017150
10 129100021018150
10 100100023019150
2302010 1160010170
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text