2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 9: Emory B vs. Georgia Tech A

Emory B


Ethan Altshul5145
Tarun Koti235
Barkot Belay1010
8 bonuses for 90 points (11.25 PPB)

Georgia Tech A


Matthew Sumanen3030
Michael Zhou3220
Tianyu Xu4135
Euan Ham1010
11 bonuses for 210 points (19.09 PPB)

Ethan AltshulTarun KotiBarkot BelayBonusesTotalTUMatthew SumanenMichael ZhouTianyu XuEuan HamBonusesTotal
0110 86001020
0210 891001050
0 138030 13850
0410 51010070
-5 59-5510 13310010100
10 6310010256-5 6095
10 66001045795
45810 1150100115
-5 10540910 11901010145
10 12910006010-5 72140
-5 76551110 8810100170
10 13310007512-5 88165
10 7601009513165
951410 10001010195
951510 7901010225
-5 68901610 117101010265
10 84100011017265
1101810 59101010305
10 71100013019305
10 146010015020305
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text