
The Seikilos epitaph is considered the oldest surviving complete one of these documents. (10[1])Ulrich (“OOL-rikh”) Han’s Missale (“mih-SAH-leh”) Romanum is the earliest one of these documents printed using movable type, a designation often misattributed to Ottaviano Petrucci (“peh-TRU-chee”). The modern notation system for these documents was developed by the monk Guido of Arezzo (10[2])(“ah-RET-so”). A five-pointed writing implement called a rastrum was used to create these documents, (-5[1])which are written in a practice called “engraving.” Breitkopf & Härtel (“HAIR-tull”) is the oldest (10[1])publisher of these documents, which contain symbols with names like semibreve and quaver (10[1])in British parlance. (10[1])These documents are collected online by IMSLP. (10[1])For 10 points, name these documents used for notating music. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: sheet music [or music scores; or music manuscripts; or written music; prompt on music or manuscripts]
<Classical Music>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Luke ZhangEmory AGeorgia Tech F1210
Will McCurleyAuburn AClemson A4910
Zach TsengGeorgia Tech ETennesse A4910
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech CGeorgia Tech D62-5
Jeffrey XuGeorgia Tech BGeorgia A7610
Tianyu XuGeorgia Tech AEmory B8910
Malachi LedfordTusculum ASouth Carolina A9210
Britton WebsterAlabama AAuburn C9910
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech DGeorgia Tech C11010