In a poem in this language, the speaker angrily asks Nature “Why do you so deceive your children?” before the title character “pointed towards death’s coldness and the silent grave.” A poet using this language described “this lonely hillside” that was “always beloved to me” in the poem “The Infinite.” A poem in this language ends with the “clearest knowledge / of how the world’s delight is a brief dream.” Thomas Wyatt prolifically translated a poet in this language and introduced one of their poetic forms to English. The sections “In Life” and “In Death” comprise a volume in this language, which begins with the line “You who hear the sound, in scattered rhymes” and is addressed to the poet’s muse Laura. For 10 points, name this language used by the author of Il Canzoniere, Petrarch. ■END■
ANSWER: Italian [or italiano; or lingua italiana; accept Tuscan or Florentine] (The poem in the first line is “To Silvia” by Giacomo Leopardi.)
<European Literature>
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