2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 5: Northwestern A vs. Purdue B

Northwestern A


Jacob Puthipiroj2115
Matt Schiavone3125
Stephen Walsh4135
9 bonuses for 150 points (16.67 PPB)

Purdue B


Era Gunawan000
Reilly Melville5145
David Mathew3030
Ishaan Singh3030
11 bonuses for 160 points (14.55 PPB)

Jacob PuthipirojMatt SchiavoneStephen WalshBonusesTotalTUEra GunawanReilly MelvilleDavid MathewIshaan SinghBonusesTotal
-5 45-5110 1110101030
-5210 73010050
10 900101025350
10 91100045450
10 7910101085550
-5 9180610 1231001080
10 114100101107-5 7775
110810 72010095
10 5210100140995
10 10600101601095
10 7101001801195
1801210 6310100125
10 67100020013125
2001410 6710100155
2001510 6510100185
2001610 510010205
10 831001023017205
-5 812251810 1200100225
2251910 520100245
2252010 690100265
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text