
In a play, a character is asked to put on a suit and pretend to walk through a gate his brother works at after receiving one of these objects. For 10 points each:
[10e] What sorts of objects are exchanged between Zachariah and Ethel Lange? Collections of these objects make up epistolary novels.
ANSWER: letters
[10m] Tensions develop between Zachariah and his white-passing brother Morris as they play role-playing games to prepare for Ethel’s visit in a play by this author.
ANSWER: Athol Fugard (The play is Blood Knot.)
[10h] A man in another Fugard play describes stealing Robert Zwelinzima’s identity in a letter to his wife, which he dictates to the audience in front of a character who has this profession. Styles leaves his Ford factory job to take on this profession.
ANSWER: photographer [or photography] (The play is Sizwe Banzi Is Dead.)
<World/Other Literature>

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UChicago DMiami1001020
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UChicago DMiami1001020
UChicago DMiami1001020
UChicago DMiami1001020
UChicago DMiami1001020
Purdue BNorthwestern A1010020
Purdue CNotre Dame100010
SIUE APurdue D100010
UChicago CWashU C100010
UIUC AIndiana B10101030
UChicago BUIUC B100010
WashU BUIUC C1010020
Indiana AUIUC D1010020