
The speaker of a poem by this author describes “weak lines” that “him who, as he pens them, thrills to think / His spirit is communing with an angel’s.” The subject of that poem, Mary Louise Shew, also inspired a poem by this author about objects that “are neither brute nor human” but “Ghouls.” This author’s wife Virginia Eliza (10[1])Clemm may have inspired a “rare and radiant maiden” (10[1])in a poem whose speaker (10[1])smells the “foot-falls” of “Seraphim… on the tufted floor.” This author wrote a poem about objects that keep “time, (10[1])/ In a sort of Runic (10[1])rhyme” and produce a “tintinnabulation.” (10[2])The speaker (10[1])of a poem by this author asks, “is there balm in Gilead?” to a creature “Perched upon a bust of Pallas.” For 10 points, name this author of “The Bells,” (10[2])who wrote about Lenore in the poem “The Raven.” ■END■

ANSWER: Edgar Allan Poe (The first poem is “To Mary Louise (Shew).”)
<American Literature>
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Sophia GnadingerUChicago DMiami13410