2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 1: Purdue C vs. Chicago C

Purdue C


Violet Planey01-5
Sophia Madrazo7070
Aneesh Shrotriya1010
Arjun Siderys000
8 bonuses for 90 points (11.25 PPB)

Chicago C


Coby Tran1010
Benny Feldman5050
Sam Konkel5145
Alvin Guo120
12 bonuses for 240 points (20 PPB)

Violet PlaneySophia MadrazoAneesh ShrotriyaArjun SiderysBonusesTotalTUCoby TranBenny FeldmanSam KonkelAlvin GuoBonusesTotal
0110 930101030
0210 3610101070
0310 7601010100
0410 130101010140
10 1280100205-5 81135
10 10410100506135
50710 1480100155
10 1350100708-5 124150
10 571000909150
10 73010011010150
1101110 4910100180
1101210 7310100210
1101310 900100230
10 791010014014230
10 61001016015230
1601610 630100250
1601710 11410010280
10 14400017018-5 122275
1701910 62101010315
1702010 6301010345
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text