
A restriction on marriage for these people was lifted by the Canuleian Law. To mollify these people, Aulus Postumius promised to build a temple to the Aventine Triad. By restoring a “Servian” system of government, Sulla nullified these people’s political power in the Centuriate Assembly. These people gained legislative authority (10[1])through the Lex Hortensia (10[2])after the last instance of a political tactic (10[1])frequently used by them. (10[1])The Senate targeted Gaius Gracchus because of his advocacy for this group. (10[4])The Twelve Tables were created after these people seceded en masse to the Mons Sacer as part of the Conflict of the Orders. These people were represented by a namesake elected Tribune. For 10 points, name these common people of the Roman Republic, contrasted with patricians. ■END■

ANSWER: plebeians [or plebs; accept Tribune of the Plebs; accept Plebeian Council or Plebeian Assembly or Council of the Plebs; accept secession of the plebs or secessio plebis; prompt on Roman commoners until “common” is read]
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Danila KabotyaIndiana AWashU C4910
Nitin MurthyPurdue APurdue B5310
Arthur GaydenUChicago AUIUC D5310
Sophia MadrazoPurdue CUChicago C6110
Patrick MinskerUIUC BWashU D6510
Justin WytmarUIUC APurdue D7710
Justin WytmarUIUC APurdue D7710
John John GrogerWashU BUChicago D7710
John John GrogerWashU BUChicago D7710