
A restriction on marriage for these people was lifted by the Canuleian Law. To mollify these people, Aulus Postumius promised to build a temple to the Aventine Triad. By restoring a “Servian” system of government, Sulla nullified these people’s political power in the Centuriate (10[1])Assembly. These people gained (10[1])legislative authority (10[1])through the Lex Hortensia after the last instance of a political tactic frequently used by them. (10[2])The Senate targeted Gaius Gracchus (10[1])because of his advocacy for this group. (10[1])The Twelve Tables were created after these people seceded en masse to the Mons Sacer as part of the Conflict of the Orders. These people were represented by (10[1])a namesake elected Tribune. For 10 points, name these common people of the Roman Republic, contrasted with patricians. ■END■

ANSWER: plebeians [or plebs; accept Tribune of the Plebs; accept Plebeian Council or Plebeian Assembly or Council of the Plebs; accept secession of the plebs or secessio plebis; prompt on Roman commoners until “common” is read]
<Other History>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Simon EmmanuelRutgers AJohns Hopkins A4310
Carter McLeanPrinceton ARutgers C4710
Mitch McCullarPenn State ABard A4910
Rahul Rao-PothurajuRowan APenn State B6510
Rahul Rao-PothurajuRowan APenn State B6510
Charles YoungColumbia APenn B7010
Derrick LiuJohns Hopkins BLehigh A7710
Austin GuoPrinceton AJohns Hopkins B10510