
It’s not Nietzsche, but Viktor Frankl contrasted a “will to meaning” with this thinker’s “will to power” in Man’s Search For Meaning. This theorist’s “fictional finalism” presaged Eric Berne’s concept of “life-scripts.” This theorist’s typology of life-styles divides people into getting, avoiding, ruling, and socially useful types. One concept created (10[1])by this theorist is often rendered as “community feeling.” This theorist, who emphasized the role of birth order (-5[2])on personality, developed individual psychology. This psychologist hypothesized that children who are neglected in favor of their siblings may develop a persistent feeling of inadequacy. (-5[2])For 10 points, name this psychologist who broke with Freudian psychoanalysis and coined the term “inferiority (10[1]-5[1])complex.” ■END■ (10[2]0[5])

ANSWER: Alfred Adler
<Social Science>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Benny FeldmanUChicago CPurdue C4910
Emily ZenUChicago DWashU B67-5
Emily ZenUChicago DWashU B67-5
Akshar GoyalUIUC APurdue D92-5
Akshar GoyalUIUC APurdue D92-5
Nolan JonesPurdue APurdue B108-5
Yash MandaviaUIUC BWashU D10810
Ethan SkolnickWashU CIndiana A1100
David MathewPurdue BPurdue A1100
Ezra SantosUChicago AUIUC D1100
Alex AkridgeIndiana AWashU C1100
John John GrogerWashU BUChicago D11010
John John GrogerWashU BUChicago D11010
Ethan MaUIUC DUChicago A1100