
A fake doctor gets a member of this family to take sugar pills to signal participation in a plot to liquidate the Conservative regime. On the night after killing a man who had mocked him for not consummating his marriage, one member of this family (10[1])orders his wife to remove her chastity (10[1])pants. This family adopts a girl who carries a sack of her parents’ bones (10[2])and (10[1])tries to cure her habit of eating damp earth. A member of this family unknowingly (-5[1])commits (10[2])incest with his aunt (10[1])and conceives a child with a pig’s tail who is later eaten by ants. In the opening of one novel, a member of this family recalls seeing ice for the first time with his father, the founder of Macondo. For 10 points, José Arcadio and Aureliano are part of what central family of Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude? ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Buendía [accept Aureliano Buendía or José Arcadio Buendía or Rebeca Buendía or Amaranta Buendía]
<World/Other Literature>
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