2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 1: Purdue A vs. Purdue B

Purdue A


Nitin Murthy3030
Nolan Jones10290
Eric Yang1010
Matthew Westley000
14 bonuses for 250 points (17.86 PPB)

Purdue B


Ishaan Singh3030
Reilly Melville01-5
Era Gunawan000
David Mathew115
4 bonuses for 60 points (15 PPB)

Nitin MurthyNolan JonesEric YangMatthew WestleyBonusesTotalTUIshaan SinghReilly MelvilleEra GunawanDavid MathewBonusesTotal
-5 115-5110 129001020
10 820101025220
25310 50001040
10 11110101065440
10 90010085540
10 850100105640
10 5110100135740
10 3810100165840
10 1481010102059-5 11535
2051010 781010065
-5 108200110 11065
0 11020012-5 6560
10 9201002201360
10 65101002501460
10 53010102801560
2801610 581010090
10 74010103101790
10 14301003301890
10 91100103601990
10 11300103802090
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text