2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 1: Indiana A vs. WUSTL C



Ethan Skolnick1010
Conner Yamnitz2210
Rohan Krishnamoorthi120
Sam Hewitt000
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Indiana A


Danila Kabotyanski4420
Justin Hawkins6060
Alex Akridge4040
14 bonuses for 290 points (20.71 PPB)

Ethan SkolnickConner YamnitzRohan KrishnamoorthiSam HewittBonusesTotalTUDanila KabotyanskiJustin HawkinsAlex AkridgeBonusesTotal
0110 650101030
0210 490101060
-5 95-5310 1170101090
0 130-54-5 7985
-5510 7610010115
-5610 790100135
-5710 860100155
-5810 10610100185
-5910 6610100215
10 8310001510215
0 11015110 110215
10 110010104512-5 73210
-5 111401310 130101010250
-5 83351410 11310100280
351510 49101010320
351610 6410100350
10 12100105517-5 55345
10 14301007518-5 31340
751910 51101010380
-5 136702010 15001010410
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text