2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 9: Harvard A vs. Tufts B

Harvard A


Max Neal2115
Sohum Sukhatankar000
Rohan Ganeshan11490
Chloe Chow000
13 bonuses for 280 points (21.54 PPB)

Tufts B


Francis Powell000
Will Zhang1010
Ethan Siskel2020
Douglas Lilly000
Dylan Tanouye4230
7 bonuses for 120 points (17.14 PPB)

Max NealSohum SukhatankarRohan GaneshanChloe ChowBonusesTotalTUFrancis PowellWill ZhangEthan SiskelDouglas LillyDylan TanouyeBonusesTotal
-5 67-5110 108001020
10 8510101035220
35310 58010040
10 301001065440
10 1171010101055-5 3635
10 4310010135635
10 78101010175735
10 7910010205835
10 9801002259-5 5730
10 97101002551030
-5 752501110 1161001060
-5 632451210 1230101090
-5 1152401310 132101010130
2401410 790010150
10 900101027015150
10 91001029016150
10 8310101033017150
10 7010101037018150
10 50010039019150
-5 643852010 13401010180
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text