
The coiner of the word “aquarium,” Philip Henry Gosse, asserted that these objects would exist from the moment of creation in his Omphalos hypothesis. For 10 points each:
[10e] Give this term for the preserved remnants of ancient organisms. Mary Anning found many of these specimens in the cliffs of Lyme Regis, including coprolites and plesiosaurs.
ANSWER: fossils
[10h] Georges Cuvier proposed this theory to explain the fossil record in the 19th century. Charles Lyell’s uniformitarianism replaced this theory, which held that change resulted from climactic events like the biblical flood.
ANSWER: catastrophism [accept catastrophists]
[10m] Lyell’s theory of gradual change inspired both Darwin and this author of Social Statics. This inventor of the paperclip is now infamous for applying the “survival of the fittest” to human societies.
ANSWER: Herbert Spencer
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Amherst ABoston University B1010020
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Yale BBowdoin B100010
Brown ATufts A1001020
Yale CCarabrandeis100010
Diamond BrandeisBowdoin A0000
Harvard ATufts B1001020
MIT ABrandeises Brew1001020
Yale ANortheastern A1001020